Intl. Journal
"Hypoxemia Prediction in Pediatric Patients under General Anesthesia using Machine Learning: A Retrospective Observational Study and External Validation" (Under Review)
Intl. Journal
"SeamXSim: Seamless-textured virtual colonoscopy simulator via unpaired long-term video translation" (Under Review)
Intl. Journal
"White Light Imaging to Narrow-band Imaging via Style Transfer : A Feasibility Test for Enhancing Colonoscopic Diagnostics" (Under Review)
Intl. Journal
"ColonOOD: A complete pipeline for optical diagnosis of colorectal polyps integrating out-of-distribution detection" (Under Review)
Intl. Journal
"Predictive Machine Learning for Postoperative Pain Using Biosignals: A Retrospective Observational Study" (Under Review)
Intl. Journal
"Overcoming inherent uncertainty of atopic dermatitis severity assessment: Applying a probabilistic deep learning algorithm to whole body images" (Under Review)
Intl. Journal
"Open-Source AI for Risk Stratification of Respiratory Disease Mortality in an Asian Health Checkup Population: A Longitudinal Analysis" (Under Review)
Intl. Journal
"Enhancing Diagnostic Confidence and Accuracy in the Optical Diagnosis of Colorectal Polyps using an Uncertainty-aware Vision Transformer" (Under Review)
Intl. Journal
"Quantification of Left Ventricular Mass in Multiple Views of Echocardiograms using Model-agnostic Meta Learning in a Few-Shot Setting" (Under Review)
Intl. Conference
"Anonymize Anyone: Toward Race Fairness in Text-to-Face Synthesis using Simple Preference Optimization in Diffusion Model" (Under Review)
Co-first / Co-corresponding authors*
Intl. Journal
"Texture preserving low dose CT image denoising using Pearson divergence"
Jieun Oh*, Dufan Wu, Boohwi Hong, Dongheon Lee, Minwoong Kang, Quanzheng Li and Kyungsang Kim*
Physics in Medicine and Biology (Impact Factor: 3.3)
Intl. Journal
"External Testing of a Deep Learning Model for Estimating Biological Age Using Chest Radiographs"
Jong Hyuk Lee*, Dongheon Lee*, Michael T. Lu, Vineet K. Raghu, Jin Mo Goo, Yunhee Choi, Seung Ho Choi*, and Hyungjin Kim*
Radiology: Artificial Intelligence (Impact Factor: 8.1)
Intl. Journal
"Low-dose Computed Tomography Perceptual Image Quality Assessment"
Wonkyeong Lee, Fabian Wagner, Adrian Galdran, Yongyi Shid, Wenjun Xia, Ge Wang, Xuanqin Mou, Md. Atik Ahamed, Abdullah Al Zubaer Imran, Ji Eun Oh, Kyungsang Kim, Jong Tak Baek, Dongheon Lee, Boohwi Hong, Philip Tempelman, Donghang Lyu, Adrian Kuiper, Lars van Blokland, Maria Baldeon Calisto, Scott Hsiehl, Jongduk Baek, Andreas Maier, Adam Wang, Garry Evan Gold, Jang-Hwan Choi,∗
Medical Image Analysis (Impact Factor: 10.7), MICCAI Grand Challenge LDCTIQAC 2023 (Final Ranking: 4th)
Intl. Journal
"Essential Elements of Physical Fitness Analysis in Adolescent Athletes using Machine Learning"
Yun-Hwan Lee*, Ji-Eun Lee, Yeon-Sung Jung, Ji Suk Jang, Dongheon Lee*, and Ho-Seong Lee*
PLoS One (Impact Factor: 2.9)
Domestic Conference
"Hypoxemia Prediction in Pediatric Patients under General Anesthesia Using Machine Learni ng: A Retrospective Observational Study"
Sujin Baek, Jung-bin Park, Ji hye Heo, Donghyeon Baek, Kyungsang Kim, Chahyun Oh, Hyung-chul Lee, Dongheon Lee and Boohwi Hong
KoreAnesthesia 2024, Oral (Awarded)
Domestic Conference
"가상 내시경의 현실감 향상을 위한 딥러닝 기반 동영상 변환 모델 평가"
장승현, 김이삭, 조기훈, 임종필, 이동헌, 박창민
2024년 대한의료인공지능학회 정기학술대회, Poster (Awarded)
Domestic Conference
"ECG-based Prediction of Left Ventricular Systolic Dysfunction in Patients with Left Bundle Branch Block using interpretable Deep Learning"
Do Heon Kim, Jihye Heo, Youngnam Bok, Sun Hwa Lee, Jae-Hyeong Park, Dongheon Lee
2024년 대한심부전학회 추계학술대회, Poster
Domestic Conference
"Out-of-Distribution Detection with Uncertainty Quantification for Optical Diagnosis of Colorectal Polyps"
Sehyun Park, Dongheon Lee, Hyung-Sin Kim and Eunsoo Baek
2024년 (사)한국인공지능학회 하계학술대회, Poster
Domestic Conference
"Large Language-Vision Model (LVM) 기반 동양인 안면부 피부질환 이미지 합성"
한연규*, 나정임, 김성환, 최태민, 최현동, 구세영, 허지혜, 이동헌*
2024년 대한의료인공지능학회 정기학술대회, Oral
Domestic Conference
"베이지안 능동 학습 (BALD)을 이용한 대장내시경 영상 분류"
최태민*, 문희석, 진은효, 이동헌*
2024년 대한의료인공지능학회 정기학술대회, Poster
Intl. Conference
"Comparing the Performance of Task-Specific and Foundation Models for Automated Trachea Segmentation"
Hyeondong Choi, Donghyeon Baek, Jongtak Baek, Jieun Oh, Jihye Heo, Minwoong Kang, Kyungsang Kim, Dongheon Lee
EMBC, 2024
Intl. Conference
"Comparing the Performance of Task-Specific and Foundation Models for Depth Estimation in Bronchoscopy"
Taemin Choi, Yeongyu Han, Hyunjeong Ki, Seyoung Ku, Saengmyung Hyun, Minwoong Kang, Kyungsang Kim, Dongheon Lee
EMBC, 2024
Intl. Conference
"Markerless 3D human pose estimation for analyzing lower limb muscle force during deep squat"
Yun-Hwan Lee, Dongheon Lee, Ho-Seong Lee
European College of Sport Science (ECSS), 2024
"가상 내시경 시뮬레이터를 위한 점막 텍스쳐 생성 장치 및 방법"
박창민, 김이삭, 이동헌, 장승현
특허출원 KR 10-2024-02135
"해부학적 구조물을 이용한 내시경 영상과 CT 영상 정합 방법 및 장치"
이동헌, 김이삭, 박창민, 진은효
특허등록 KR 10-2699583